The Repurpose Project is excited to be the host location for a shipping container tiny house build project! Join local tiny house enthusiasts for a walk through of the educational exhibition, tiny homes tours, or enroll in one of the weekend workshops. The workshop will teach you the basic skills necessary to create your tiny home, guest house, studio, rental. etc…,During the workshop you will get your hands dirty on a tiny house construction from start to finish.
This is your opportunity to get up-close-and-personal with an amazing tiny house built from a shipping container! To kick things off, you are invited to attend a free educational exhibit opening at The Repurpose Project,1920 NE 23rd Avenue, Gainesville, Florida, on November 23rd. This is your opportunity to learn about versatile Shipping Container Architecture.

Put these events on your calendar and register for the workshop now at: while there are still openings. We look forward to seeing you all there!