Repurpose Gallery

Our gallery features art made from reclaimed and recycled materials.  Everything in our gallery is created by using at least 75% reclaimed/repurposed/salvaged materials.

Christina Rohan's face bike

Our goal at The Repurpose Gallery is to demonstrate the beauty that can be created with “trash”.   Usable and interesting items are thrown away everyday and hauled to a landfill yet we still feel the need to go to big box stores to purchase new materials for art.  We want to encourage everyone to take another look at these discards and reuse what is already in our communities.  Purchasing new items from far off lands has huge social and environmental costs(raw materials need to be harvested; energy is used to harvest materials, form the product, and transport it; raw materials and energy is used for packaging; energy is used to dispose of packaging; and unfortunately human rights abuses are common in manufacturing facilities).  Lets close the recycling loop and start purchasing used items whenever possible!

Come and visit our gallery and get inspired!

Feel free to stop by during BUSINESS HOURS to take a look around the gallery.


Are you interested in selling your artwork in our gallery?  Stop in with some samples of your work or email photos:  We do require that at least 75% of the materials used in the artwork are salvaged/reclaimed.


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