Did you miss our 4-part educational program about Plastic Pollution? Well, you are in luck, part 1 & 4 are now available on YouTube! Scroll down to view the embedded videos. This program was brought to you by The Repurpose Project and Zero Waste Gainesville.

Amanda Waddle, The Repurpose Project’s Director of Zero Waste and a Break Free From Plastic core member, presents these ZOOM presentations. You will gain a great understanding of the problem of plastic pollution while also engaging in some action items and activities. This program wraps up with solutions and best practices.
Schedule of program:
Part 1 – What’s the Big Deal about Plastic?
Part 4 – A Solution to Plastic Pollution: Zero Waste Communities
This is a free event but donations to The Repurpose Project are strongly encouraged. The Repurpose Project is developing several educational programs and these programs take staff a lot time to create. Donations will help us continue to create these programs.
Email Amanda at amanda@repurposeproject.org with any questions.
This program/event is funded in part by a grant from the City of Gainesville, Parks, Recreation and Cultural
Affairs Department.