Spring Gleaning Festival

spring-gleaning-2016smCome celebrate Earthday weekend at The Repurpose Project’s Spring Gleaning Festival & Flea Market! We’ll be celebrating on Saturday with live music on our outdoor stage, family friendly games, a puppet show, birdhouse gourd making with Forage FarmSatchel’s PizzaSwamphead Beer, and a craft and flea market! 

Saturday, April 23rd
$3-5 suggested donation

We’ll be joined by local and interactive environmental, art, and science groups including Gainesville’s:
Physics Bus – science displays featuring repurposed materials
Hands on Gainesville – hands on bicycle displays that demonstrate energy usage needed for a variety of light bulbs
Forage Farm – educating and inspiring people to value healthy food, land and community by supporting and sustaining our local food movement.
Adventure Play GNV – pop up playground with repurposed material for open ended play

Live Music Performances by:forage
Ukulele Club of Gainesville @ 12:20p
Award-Winning Youth Fiddler, Simone Seely @ 1p
Original Tuba & Accordion Music by Nicholas & Ernie @ 1:30p
Old-time & Trad by Mourning Glories @ 2:10p
Puppet Show by Dolphin Wizard @ 3:00p
Music by Michael Claytor @ 3:20pm

Click here to RSVP on our facebook event page!
If you would like to be a participant tabler in the craft & flea market, email chelsea@repurposeproject.org. We ask a $10 donation from every table. We have limited space, tables will be first come, first serve, so confirm yours asap.physics bushands on gainesville

And don’t miss our other event Repurpose Project RUNWAY!


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