January 24 – 30, 2021
Nothing in Nature is Waste

Join us virtually for a week of Zero Waste education, action items, and solutions!! Zero Waste Gainesville, The Repurpose Project, and Life Unplastic have teamed up to bring you an exciting week of activities that will help you on your journey to Zero Waste.
The theme of this year’s Zero Waste Week is Nothing in Nature is Wasted. In the natural world, resources are continuously used and reused as organisms and nutrients form cycles and improve their ecosystems – thus nothing is waste. Let’s re-learn how to live like the rest of nature!
Register for Zero Waste Week by filling out the Google form below. Once registered you will receive a newsletter daily for 7 days during January 24th – January 30th and receive a discount code to Life Unplastic. You must register to get special links for movie viewings and a live zoom seminar. Click here to visit the general facebook event page.
Day 1 – January 24th – Nothing in Nature is Wasted – Natural system appreciation day!! We appreciate and acknowledge that everything we use and eat are resources that come from the earth and in nature nothing is wasted
Day 2 – January 25th – Waste Audit – We encourage everyone to conduct a waste audit. You may want to watch the video we created before hand so you are ready for the activity. You can also do the waste audit ahead of time if you want a jump start! Click here for video.
Day 3 – January 26th – Reduce Wasted Food & Commit to Compost – You must register for the Zero Waste Week event (scroll down for registration form) and mark your calendars to attend the live zoom presentation at 7pm on this day. Click here for the facebook event page or here for our website event page.
Day 4 – January 27th – Reject – reject items that don’t fit into Zero Waste
Day 5 – January 28th – Reduce – commit to reducing landfill trash
Day 6 – January 29th – Reuse – commit to buying used and using reusables. Today the local thrift stores have teamed up to promote buying used by scheduling a coordinated sale! Thrift store shopping spree!! To find out what thrift stores are participating check out our facebook event or our event page here
Day 7 – January 30th – Research – buy less, buy durable, research purchases
Be sure to mark your calendar for the live events!
Wasted Food & Compost Zoom Presentation | 1/26/21 | 7pm |
The Story of Plastic Zoom Discussion | 1/28/21 | 7pm |
Buy Used Thrift Store Shopping Day | 1/29/21 | all day |
Register for Zero Waste Week by filling out this Google Form. Once registered you will receive a newsletter daily for 7 days during January 24th – January 30th and receive a discount code to Life Unplastic. You must register to get special links for movie viewings and a live zoom seminar. Click here to visit the facebook event page.