Our Zero Waste initiative for schools helps local schools get the educational supplies they need to educate our children while also reducing their environmental impact. We recognize that schools have limited resources, especially the schools most in need, so we have developed a sponsorship program so businesses and others can sponsor either a classroom or an entire school.
Classroom Sponsorship – Sponsor a classroom and we will collect the items on the class’s supply list using as much salvaged material as possible. If we are unable to supply the needs using 100% salvaged material we will source items in an environmentally friendly, low-waste way. Teachers spend a lot of their personal income on classroom supplies. A classroom sponsorship helps both teachers and students with the material they need to educate our children. Our sponsorship fee will cover the cost to find and communicate with the classroom, facilitate the sponsorship, then collect and deliver the materials to the classrooms in our local area. We are forming partnerships with low performing schools in our area first because we feel they are the most in need and will benefit the most with this program, but if you have a specific classroom you are interested in sponsoring, we will communicate with the school and classroom to make the connection.
School Sponsorship – Sponsoring a school is a broader program that will help a particular school reduce their waste and become more sustainable. This service includes:
- In-depth Zero Waste Analysis conducted by our Director of Zero Waste
- Review of current purchasing and inventory of materials
- Review waste contracts, recycling and other diversion efforts
- Review cafeteria procedures and identify waste reduction
- Waste Characterization Study
- Establish Green Teams
- Classroom education and presentation on Zero Waste principles, plastic in the ocean, and how we’re all connected to nature
- Report with detailed steps on how the school can work towards Zero Waste
We are looking for groups, individuals, families and/or businesses to sponsor either a classroom or a school to help them get the materials they need and reduce waste. If interested please contact amanda@repurposeproject.org